Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The path determines your success

     Ponder carefully is that, success or failure in life of every person, depends greatly on the choice of their own path. Two men graduated from the same school, similar academic ability. Some people would like to make a company producing software for developing very fast in the capital. Then he married a female colleague at the company. They have a home in the city, own cars. They have an abundant life full of material and hobbies. A man returned home where remote mountainous career. As well as care for elderly parents. Then get married in his homeland. He worked as a computer repair at the place where the population is sparse. Most people live by agriculture. The word they do not know let alone computers.

       After ten years the two friends met there. The difference between them is enormous. They both graduated from college the same day, also similar capacity. But their path is very different. And the results are in stark contrast. Some people become rich, one person they become poor.
       It was like two classmates at school. A politician who became renowned. Respected by everyone cheered. Some people become thieves, police nationwide manhunt. New World said, capacity is only one factor to create success. The choice of a new path is the most important. Some farmers work hard in the fields from dawn to dusk. He's hard labor. But the average income per month of him not worth taking. While a hard worker in the workshop of a joint venture. He also worked from dawn to dusk. But his earnings will certainly than other farmers. Their qualifications are equivalent. Time spent their employees alike. But their incomes are different
       To succeed, the most fundamental problem is choosing the best path. The road will give you the best earnings. Help you to develop all abilities and their preferences. Alertness when choosing the best way for your success.
                                                                            Author: P. T. H

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