Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Operation of the human brain is dominated by career

   According to statistics on the extent of the use of certain brain sectors of society. It conducts research in vocational teachers, accountants, managers, leaders and employees. Scientists have shown that brain levels of the industry used 600 teachers, 800 to 1000 accounting, management or leadership is from 1200 to 1500. Meanwhile, with the workers Lease of work on muscles only 400 to 100.

        According to natural law, what does not work many will go away. The specialization of occupations has created a deep split in society. A manager, leader, due to the action of powerful brain. Energy demand for them more than others. Because the brain is the organ when in operation consumes the most energy in the body. They will be thinking about how to make more money. Autonomy in all operations live also makes their brain is active. A normal person, after a stint managing leadership. The ability to use brain and thinking, their autonomy will spike. Thus, we often see managers and leaders are imposing ordinary, clever. They most upper class in society.
         For industries teachers. An occupation that almost all of society to look at requiring knowledge, their qualifications. This creates pressure, forcing them to learn more. Using brain more. However, the object of their labor are just students, students. These are not perfect human personality and intellect. Their job is a repeat off, repeat all year to year. The knowledge that they impart slight classic properties, fixed and unrealistic. Thus the level of their brain activity 600.
        And the industry is a typical accounting for employee office block. They learn a lot from books and reality. Pressure loss forces them to work more proficient every day. Besides, their work requires close coordination with the managers and leaders. Force them to improve. They have to think more. Therefore, the level of their brain activity is around 800 to 1000.
        With these specialized workers on limbs. Their minds are not developed. Because they were only obeying orders. The brain activity of almost only control muscle activity. With daily tasks are similar, high-intensity operations. Making the possibility of using their brain, drops very low compared with other research subjects, ranging from 400 to 100.
        In summary, our choice will determine occupations future of each person. Society is deeply split by profession in society. Employers in much higher positions who hired. Workers will be higher human mind physical labor. We were born a similar child. These activities make us live on very different. Please choose for themselves the best live action to develop ourselves.
                                                                                        Author: P. T. H

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