Saturday, June 13, 2015

Way out mistakes

     Living with so many passions make people tempted difference with myself. One can heartless, people can foul and one could always willing to lie in order to achieve the desired purpose. Then their lives will never be true peace. In their hearts as having a malignant tumor onset is pending. To make matters worse, the cancer will grow more each day. Causing them to fear itself.

      There are many people to death and refused to turn back to work. Were wrong, wrong, then go to the ends of the wrong. That person seems to have progress every day according to the person's own standards. In essence, it's the fall, each day he or she has sunk further into the sin. When has sunk too deep in sin, he or she will not be able to find their way out again. And no one can forgive that person anymore. And he will be re-immersed in his wrong ones. To come when everyone had them pay dearly for their sins did. Then at that time despite disenchantment has too late.
       Many people choose another way. The way the people think he is an idiot, imbecile. It was launched hê all achievements through falsities that. Tell the whole truth. Honest with yourself. Try to confront with all hard pull from so doing. Daily refresher own personality. Capital more actively enrich life, the culture, the participants said, the skills and techniques of their own. But he will face many difficulties initially. An immature personality, a shallow thinking when no longer be sheathed who lives contempt, disdain, even trampling. Who themselves will also face many mistakes from the action, saying the system comes from thinking of themselves.
       But then everything will pass, after the rain, the sun will be shining again. The honest man is always appreciated. Moreover, spiritual, and intellectual character of that person is still better each day. How much hard life, he will try to take up this much more, to get rid of that action. Finally, make sure he or she will succeed. That person will be both socially respected and enjoy true happiness in his life. New World said: When did telling the truth, it is the starting point for a good offing.
                                                                                           Author: P. T. H

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