Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ways to Fail create success

      There are some creatures to meet the new conditions of growth and strong development. For example, wheat plants, trees as trampling him as for many tree nuts. Or the gourd tree in the family home as well as the world. When a tree has large, green look very good, but not flowering. People use stem crushing hard materials. And that tree will grow stronger, flowering and fruit lot.

      The reason is that there are some very sensitive species to maintain and preserve the breed. When a disadvantage as picking tops, crushing trunk ... We are excited strongly, growth hormones they secrete much. So the plant will grow and give much more nuts.
      Our humanity is the same way. From ancient times until now, the prince, the princess, the rich who live in the best physical condition. They did not have to do since he was born, until grow. In contrast, the side they always have the talent servant, and do everything they want. Therefore, most of them older, more vulnerable people born in civilian families. Because the children from poor families have participated from early labor. So dressed muscles and stimulate thinking flourished. For those who have the difficult life circumstances. They also have to learn more, to help her overcome difficult life. So they become increasingly more outstanding.
      Many people fail at work. They make a fresh start and the results are better than the original lot. Because they have more determination. Strong will. And experience for the work done. Besides, when forced to overcome the failure to succeed. Those who are not good, who wants to harm them will shun them. So the new thinking ability, good new is formed, fledgling not hurt that bad people go away with. The good and merciful people to try to help them. Therefore, they can release their full potential to succeed. For example, Thomas Alva Edison scientist, after all his laboratory burned down in a fire. Many research achievements and scientific notes his many years with the fire destroyed. But even then, he invented the first phonograph in humankind. In all his life he was able to patent an invention in 1907. Or writers that I do not remember the name. After the entire first draft of a literary work of his first completed. It burnt out in a fire. Got him new courage to rewrite the major literary works there. And glory has come to him. Work that was awarded the Nobel for literature. And there are many examples of people going strong, more mature after the defeat. So, if your life is steeped in difficulties. Would you try to overcome it. Success awaits you in the front. Worldwide, almost no one any success without experiencing the bitter failures.
                                                                                              Author: P.T.H
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