Friday, May 29, 2015

Need to choose the right paths to be able to succeed

       In life, who do not want to be a good person in society? Who does not want to be reputable, respected by everyone? Who does not want to have more intellectual people and glorious career, they have more money? But those who do such things? Though they strive, want to change yourself to get what she wants. Then that also is not easy. Because to be successful depends on many objective factors and subjective else. Which choice is the most important way. If you are a good way. You will become a good, successful and happy in life. If a wrong path. You will become a villain, will encounter many setbacks and misfortunes in life.

       Therefore, the choice to associate friends. Choices for school teachers. Choose books to read. Choose where to live is extremely important. Because of all the things that will decide the soul and your mind is. You will become a man like?
        If you want to become a good, successful and happy. You should not play with bad friends, or going to steal, steal other people's things. The more you should not hang out with those failures and misfortunes in life. Because when we come into contact with such people. Sooner or later the thoughts and feelings they will also affect the thoughts and feelings of one. Because that is the law of interference in our lives. But the thoughts and feelings of those who like the majority are negative trends. They are harmful to the wishes and intentions of me. Therefore, to achieve their desired purpose. Be tough, you select which play! Choose books that read. Choose which school teachers. Select the environment in which to live ....
                                                                              Author: P. T. H

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