A gentle farmer capital, police department usually so obvious. But take a look at their behavior if caught someone stealing their agricultural produce? Then, they are very aggressive and powerful in themselves. Although there are people who steal intellectual undergraduate or a child, were trembling and terrified before them. Because why? Because they have their proper reasons. Agricultural achievements of which he was stolen as a result of sweat, their efforts to get it. Legal protection of that ownership. Yet who dare to deprive another achievement that their labor.
Likewise, a woman weakness though nowhere. But when their son was trying to harm others. They will frantically like a beast to protect their children. Because they have the instinct of the mother and the true reason in life. Parents protect their children is one of course.
Sit in any circumstances. If true justice from me and I will have more strength boundless. Also we do still have resonance strength from the consensus of the people around. From time immemorial, the good always wins evil. Light always dispels darkness. That's the power of reason!
Author: P. T. H
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