Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Success belongs to the person refuses to accept

      In an educational context is not developed. The school almost had little effect in practice. Everything is taught in school is not practical, knowledge is communicated old and outdated. Students are not willing to learn, teachers do not love my job. They worked as teachers just to earn a living. Who attend not only become strong and successful mec in society, but they also become distorted, poorly in cognitive, work inefficient and cowardly in life.

      There are many who do not accept the fact that. They spend a lot of money to their children studying abroad in countries with advanced education. With hope, when they return to their own, their children will do to be a great career. This method is quite good, and it is quite popular worldwide. But not every family has enough money to care for such children. Nor is she the student who has the guts, language skills and confidence to live and study in a distant country. Among these students, many have achieved many accomplishments in life. It is really talented people. But also a lot of people do not do anything to stand merits. Do abroad, language proficiency, again away from home. To round out the lonely and homesick, they plunge into the fun and friends gathered. When learning time is over, they return home with an empty head.
      There are many who do not accept to absorb a substandard education. They find out the valuable knowledge in books. The type of education of the east and west, ancient and modern times have all they learn and study. They do not have to go far, it does not take much money, but found a lot of valuable knowledge.
      Authentic learning activities is what? The most familiar images of people attend the book sitting at home, at school and in the library. Whether you're in France, Germany, America, Japan ... or any other country and that's all. The trainee will only really work with books. A different school is only in the spirit, the will of the school only.
       With genuine learners, whether they went to study abroad or trying to study more new knowledge and useful of humanity. Surely they would have very long strides in society. Because they were far outnumbered those who accept other inferior education. They become a bright spot for everyone to follow. They can do a lot of great things and great for my life and the lives of others. Success belongs to those who refused to accept.
                                                                           Author: P. T. H

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